2010년 8월 17일 화요일

IBA국제보디가드 라이센스 교육훈련, 한국에서 실시

1957년 프랑스에서 창설되어 KGB등 세계보안국 및 대테러단체의 멤버를 끊임없이 배출하여 100여개 이상 국가의 연합체로서 국제적으로 활약하고있는 세계표준 경호기구 IBA(International Bodyguard Association)는 현재 아일랜드의 Belingham 성에 본부를 두고 있으며 전세계의 각 공공기관 및 글로벌기업, 교육기관의 경호, 보안 컨설팅, 무역교섭 협력, 민간군사기업(PMC) 진출 등 다양한 활동을 펼치고 있다.

한편 한중본부를 총괄하고 있는 Alessandro J. Kim(김진용, KGS Corp 경영이사) 대표는 오래전부터 "천상의 목소리"소프라노 조수미의 보디가드로 잘 알려졌으며 국제로비스트 활동으로 정치,경제,사회,문화 등 각 분야에서 영향력을 키우고 있다. 또한 그는 IBA 일본지부의 Teddy Hideto Osanai(CCTT Co. 대표이사)씨와 함께 글로벌 경호인재 양성과 민간외교 활동을 위해 힘쓰고 있다. 올 가을, 전국의 현직 경호업계 종사자 및 대학 관련학과 재학생 및 졸업생 중 영어실력이 갖추어진 50명의 보디가드를 각각 선발하여 국제공인 자격증 교육훈련을 본격적으로 진행할 예정이다.
주관: IBC(인터내셔널 보디가드 센터_ 한국) 
- 보도자료 발췌-

자격: 만 21세 이상~ 45세 
        전현직 경호경비보안 업종 종사자/ 경호관련 학과 재학생 또는 졸업생
        무술단체 및 무도인/ 군특수부대 및 해병 출신자/ US Force in Korea(주한미군)
특전: IBA Membership 국제자격부여(수료 인증서, 멤버카드, 국제 데이터베이스 등록)
        IBA 복장, 핀, 뱃지, 모자 등 지급(단, 반지는 각 국가별도 개별 주문)
        국내 IBA 에이전트 활동 가능(국제 영리법인 IBS) 
        (단, Master Class와 Team leadership 모든 과정 수료자에 한함)
        국내외 영화 액션단역 및 엑스트라 출연 우선권
        해외 유수기관, 해외파견 VIP 채용 지원 우선권 부여
        성적 우수자 해외연수 기회 제공
        그 외 다수 대외비

Fee of Basic Bodyguard training course(100 Hours)

주관: IBA Korea 대표_ Alessandro J. Kim(김진용)
협조: IBA HQ(본부) 회장_ James G. Shortt(제임스 쇼트) 
교육: IBA Japan 대표_ Ted Hideto Osanai(히데토 오사나이) 

유투브 동영상http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyurXPemZC0

(IBA 터키본부 Bodyguard Master Class 수료식)


Basic Bodyguard Course (100 Hours)- IBA

l The history and role of the Bodyguard - 역사와 보디가드의 사명
l The Bodyguard team organization -경호팀 조직
l Protective Escort (formations and drills)Protective Driving - 신변보호 대형 훈련/ 경호운전
l CQB (Close Quarter Battle) armed and unarmed (D.A.R.T) - 무장/비무장 CQB(D.A.R.T)
l Communications and Electronic - 연락체계와 무전사용법
l Surveillance and Counter Surveillance - 감시/ 감시 대응
l Improvised Explosive Devices (Search and Recognition) - 순간폭발성 장치 수색 및 탐지
l Risk Management - 위험관리
l Bodyguard Para medic - 경호 준 의료술

Additional required subjects include:
l Bodyguard Protocol - 보디가드 프로토콜
l Residence Security Team, Organization and Duties - 저택 경호팀의 조직과 직무

In the event that an attack does occur,
the IBA trains its bodyguards to be equally prepared to: 
(공격이 발생되는 상황에 대비하여 IBA는 다음과 같이 항상 준비되고 숙달되도록 훈련한다.)
l Divert an attackers attention - 위해자의 이목 분산/ 기만 기법
l Protect the client from threat - 협박으로부터의 보호 기법
l Rescue the client from attack - 공격과 위해요소로부터의 클라이언트 구조 기법
l Neutralize the attack - 공격 무력화 기법
l Render medical care and First Aid, assistance - 의료술, 응급처치, 조력활동 기법
l Liaise with law enforcement and Government authorities 
- 법 집행기관 및 정부당국과 연계활동

During the course there will be Tests:
l Theoretic tests - 이론 지식 평가
l Various self confidence tests - 자신감/용맹성(담력) 테스트
l 2400m running at 12 min(Running every morning) - 12분 내 2400m 구보
l Training condition (muscle tests 12 min) - 근력 훈련상태 측정

A Bodyguard has to have initiative- to secure progress at the task
A Bodyguard must handle stress- to be energetic even under stress
A Bodyguard must be flexible- to change for new situations and demand

About IBA

The International Bodyguard Association

The I.B.A. is an international non-governmental organization (INGO) established in Paris in December 1957. The Associations primary objective is to train officers of government and corporate security in world class bodyguard techniques for protection. The training courses can only be attended by those men or women who are psychologically and physically healthy, and are who are of 25 years minimum age. Provided an individual has no criminal record they may enrol in the IBA training programme. Each IBA course is authenticated through a diploma issued to the trainee signed by the Director General and impressed with the legal seal of the International Bodyguard Association.

Worldwide Coverage

Founded in Paris in December 1957 by Major Lucien Victor Ott, a much decorated French Para-commando veteran, the International Bodyguard Association is the oldest and largest bodyguard association, with sites of protective service and education worldwide. The IBA has established itself as the premier world training organization for Bodyguards.
It has been at the forefront of Bodyguard education in the emerging Baltic and Balkan Republics, the European Union Security; in the new South Africa , in Afghanistan and throughout the new Russia , Ukraine , Kazakhstan and Mongolia . During 2004, the IBA in addition to their regular courses trained classes of Iraqi Police, Cambodian Police, elements of the US Army's 1 st Special Forces Group, Bodyguards for United Nations Security, Bodyguards and Drivers for the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).
In 2005, IBA training was provided to the Thai National Police and Royal Thai Navy SEALS. Last year, the Mongolian Government organized an IBA course for their Special Forces, Central Intelligence Agency and the State Special Security Agency and Police SWAT unit. In the UK , IBA graduates were among the first to complete their training for the new state SIA CP licence . Training was completed through a partnership between the IBA and New College . Last year IBA graduates successfully and safely completed high risk PSD and CP missions in Iraq , Afghanistan , and South East Asia .
The IBA consistently provides the highest level of training to government, military, police and civilian Bodyguards. World-class security instructors give specialist training and guidance in a unique learning environment, helping bodyguards to develop professional skills and industry knowledge throughout their careers. The International Bodyguard Association's reputation for excellence is a result of nearly 50 years achievement in protective skills training.

History of the Association
The International Bodyguard Association was founded in Paris in December 1957 by Major Lucien Victor Ott, a much
decorated French Para-commando veteran. Lucien Ott was born and brought up within the French Foreign Legion in
Algeria. His grandfather killed in WW1 in the Dardanelles campaign served in the elite Chasseurs d'Afrique. Lucien's
father Victor served in the Spahi before joining the French Foreign Legion. Victor Ott became a senior NCO in the 1st
Foreign Legion Cavalry Regiment , wounded in the Riff wars he was invalided out on pension.

Lucien joined the newly formed French Para-commandos serving in the 2nd Demi-Brigade SAS in Indochina, then with
the 8 BCCP under Col Bigeard. He volunteered to parachute into Dien Bien Phu where he was wounded and captured
by the Viet Minh. He escaped and joined the GCMA a military intelligence operation organising Montagnard resistance
groups. After the war he transferred to the Deuxieme Bureau (Military Intelligence). In Marseillaise his friend Jim Alcheik
(of the French Secret Service) introduced him to Karate and Aiki Ju Jutsu training of the Yoseikan school under Tetsuki

Also in 1956 he was tasked with reviewing operational protective methods for French military VIPs. His review found that
the methods used internationally in bodyguarding were ineffective and outmoded. From this was born the Lucien Ott
protection method he called 'Defense & Security' He coined the phrase "protection rapprochée" which the UK's Royal
Military Police mistranslated as Close Protection.

Major Lucien V OTT

Lucien Ott founded the International Bodyguard Association as a think-tank for bodyguards and as their Association.
Lucien was working against terrorism in Algeria when he was selected by M. Tinet to form a personal bodyguard for
President de Gaulle at the height of the OAS crisis. Under the authority of General de Monssabert a group of ex-special
forces veterans were formed as "Les Gorilles". When Pompidou succeeded De Gaulle as President 'Les Gorilles' were
given the option of being absorbed by the Gendarmerie or leaving. Constant absence from his family while on duty led to
a divorce and seperation from his two children Veronique and Didier.
Lucien moved to Munich where he tried his hand as a 'Cascador' or stunt man and he established a Cascador school.
Soon, Lucien returned to bodyguarding celebrities from the world of the cinema. He was in demand from both Military
and Law Enforcement as a bodyguard instructor. In the mid-1970s he moved to Bruxelles and established his IBA
Acadmey 'Defence & Security' in Rue de l'Etoile in Uccle. In December 1989, Lucien was diagnosed with terminal cancer
and admitted to the Erasmus Institute in Anderlecht where he died in February 1990. At Lucien Ott's wish, he was
succeeded after his death in 1990 by his deputy who is the current Director General tasked with ensuring that the IBA
fulfills it's mission in training bodyguards in modern effective techniques.
James Shortt, the current D.G. was a student and protégé of Lucien Ott's and led IBA training teams to the Baltic
Republics, Afghanistan, Russia, Ukraine and Kazakstan.Training Teams were dispatched by the current Director General
to train UN Forces at Tuzla in Bosnia and elements of the Security Forces of the European Union (EEC).

He became the first outsider to train KGB (Crimea 1991) and started training for bodyguards (Government and
Corporate) in Poland (1988) Estonia (1989) Latvia and Lithuania (1990). He pioneered the IBA method in Russia,
Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Mongolia. To date he has trained bodyguards on 5 continents including 36 countries.

James Shortt

James Shortt is the hereditary Colonel commandant of one of the oldest existing bodyguard formation in the world. The
Royal Galloglas Guard. Galloglas originated in Western Scotland and its isles from the warlike offspring of mixed Celtic
and Viking marriages. Following their success against the Anglo-Normans under Sir William Wallace and King Robert the
Bruce, they were established in Ireland at the turn of the 14th Century.

Code Of Professional Ethics
As a member of the international Bodyguard Association (IBA), I acknowledge that it is my personal responsibility to
further the professional development of myself and other men and women who serve in the protection industry. I will
always exhibit the highest level of integrity in the performance of my professional duties, and I will carry out my
responsibilities with professional competence. I will not engage in any unethical or illegal conduct, or in any activity that
could jeopardize my responsibilities. I undertake to refrain from using narcotic or intoxicating substances that might
hinder my judgement and my ability to perform my duties to the fullest of my abilities. I will keep an open mind and
commit myself to the pursuit of knowledge and information for the purpose of discovering new methods and systems. I
will always be honest when dealing with my principals, fellow Bodyguards, the
International Bodyguard Association (IBA) it's members and officers, business associates and all others, and I will
uphold the standards established by our founder, Lucien Victor Ott. I acknowledge that a great deal of trust and
responsibility has been given to me and I know that I must dedicate myself in the furtherance of the bodyguard
profession and those whom I am sworn to protect. I will always acknowledge the fact I am a member of a truly unique
organization and I will not hold any animosity or discriminate against another IBA member based solely on ethnic origin
(Nationality or Skin Color), gender or religious persuasion (Creed). I will be truthful in representing myself to my
principals, potential employers and fellow members of the IBA. Further I will not misrepresent my Capabilities, or myself. I
will not misrepresent myself as a Instructor or any other officer of the IBA nor will I teach bodyguard skills to any person
as such until I have received written permission of the Director General of the IBA. Lastly, I will commit myself to attaining
excellence in all areas of the bodyguard profession.